Sunday 9th February from 12pm at 23 Soldiers Settlement Road North, Pae Tu Mokai - Featherston.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi was signed on 6th Feb1840, and was a partnership between the British Crown and 500 Māori chiefs. Pae tū Mōkai o Tauira and the Māori Standing Committee invites whānau and hapori whānui to join us for an afternoon of activities and discussion that values Te Tiriti and our world today. We have guest speakers, games for the whānau, weaving of kono and putiputi, hikoi at Wairarapa Moana, followed by a Hākari (feast) to finish our day.
12pm Preparation of kai for hangi -
Peeling potatoes, kumara, pumpkin (please bring your own peeler)
Meat will be prepared by the hangi masters
Stuffing makers,
Steam pudding makers,
Watercress washers
Fry bread makers
1.30pm hangi goes down
1.45pm Join us on a hikoi of Wairarapa Moana, Karen Mikaera will discuss three restoration projects, why these areas were identified? why these specific plants? what are the long term benefits?
2.30pm Back to Pae tū Mōkai o Tauira
2.45pm Weaving with Violet Edwards, - tohunga raranga, weaving kono (food baskets) and putiputi (flowers).
3.30pm Te Tiriti o Waitangi - value in our world today, guest speaker Herewini Ammunson of Ngāti Moe hapū, Papawai Marae.
4pm Māori Wards - ways whānau and hapori whānui can support our candidate, guest speaker Mikaere Paki from Te Arawhiti - office for Māori Crown relations.
5pm Hangi comes up, Hākari tātou.
Learn how to play Ki-o-Rahi - traditional Māori Game 1pm, follow link to learn how to play
RSVP by Mon 3rd Feb for catering purposes. Also, let me know if you are available to help prep kai for the hangi.
Bring your own plates, cutlery, picnic blankets, outside chairs, sunblock and umbrellas.
Any patai (questions) call Narida 021314180
Nau mai haere mai!
Ngā manaakitanga